8. 2.1 - Refer the LMS model of the Moodle Research Institute

Initially, we would like to explain what each of these names stands for. 

Moodle is an acronym for the English phrase Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, roughly translated as Dynamic Learning Environment - Object Oriented Module Learning. As a software system for a system training management system, this platform is very useful for programmers (IT), developers (Developer) and teachers (Professor/Teacher).

Because Moodle's open source system has many features that are necessary and unique to an online training system, Moodle is built in segments, and it is easily extended by adding extra components, and it allows the development team to exploit many *authoring tools in the world. 

The number of registrations using the Moodle LMS website in 242 countries worldwide, as of 2022 is 179,000 pages. In which, countries that have developed strongly in education such as the United States, especially North America, Central America and South America have registered statistics of Moodle sites up to > 13,876 sites. While in places with low educational and human development such as Asia, or India, there are only 11,693 sites. The number of users (users) across continents as of June 2022 is 318 million users, which is a spectacular statistic that proves the usefulness, connectivity, user-friendliness of Moodle LMS.