5. Solution #1

So, we get back to the topic of teaching innovation in the context of post-Covid adaptation, we have a few comments as follows:

Initially, technology-driven-pedagogy is a fairly new field and honestly, according to the survey of us, not all the teachers are ready to embark on the implementation of application-oriented teaching plans, to apply the lecture to such technology. 

The reason come from technology-driven-pedagogy will requires the effort of teachers to research accurately the learning needs of students, to determine which technology is  appropriate skillfully apply to the curriculum. 

Information Technology (IT) will be an sub-tool for teachers to monitor teaching and learning results to measure the effectiveness of these measures, and after the COVID crisis caused by the Covid epidemic, in 2022 and coming years will be a golden-time for online teaching and learning methods. Why we said that?

According to a statistical survey conducted by the United Nations Children's Fund in Vietnam (UNICEF) and the World Telecommunication Union (ITU), there are currently more than 2.2 billion people under the age of 18 in the world who are accessing the internet every day, and then we have 78% of urban children under 6 years old know how to use digital devices. That's mean the children will soon access and enjoy the advantages – as well as face the disadvantages of cyberspace themselves. 

  • On one hand, children today regularly use smartphones and tablets daily, and they should also be trusted by teachers and parents to assign them the responsibility of researching, checking up and doing homework during school for hours. Based on daily activities of children now a day, is there any reason for teachers feel hesitate to integrate technology into lesson plans?

  • On the other hand, the statistic indicates that one-fifth of children surveyed said they had been a victim of cyberbullying on the Internet, the same types of online games on smartphones and tablets, like on a virtual reality playground. When we go online, we are living in a large digital community. However, the virtual world on the Internet same like any community, it has risks and dangers if the adults - the guardians are parents and teachers do not actively participate in with theirs child. Always participate in with your kids, teaching them the skills they need to protect them from digital threats.

Internet safety for students is the first goal that teachers, professors need to achieve, in order to reach the second goal on the journey to eliminate the generation gap between teachers (the previous generation and the previous generation) and young people (new generation) by Information Technology.